
Showing posts from April, 2012


Song. I listen to the music because: -           I have a same feeling with these song -           A lyric so inspired and awesome (have a many of punch lines for sure) -           Few people understand the meaning -           I will try to memorize out of my head -           Sing a long everyday on repeat (not to listen me song) -           Will be play on my playlist in the morning before I started another activities -           Share with my friend and social media -           Ask other people about of the tone -           Dance -     ...

The world is narrow to dive it out (1)

I meet the people. I don’t usually say “hi” when I met people.    In life, we cant trust anyone, but we sure can believe in some, and have faith in all. Most people are not like how they seem on the surface. People who are socially awkward or always challenge our ideas might be the truest friends we could have in our lives Most people are not like how they seem on the surface. Some people are plastic. You know. And will forever be plastic. Nothing more. It is always better to have few true friends than tons of fake ones. I make a friend. Most of my friends know my other friends. Everything seemed to connect one another. It’s like telepathy. God know where I supposed to be. I believe it. I am sure of the fact that as we grow older, for every second in our loves we are going to learn new things. These things are help us sail through the sweetness and bitterness of life. The challenges we face everyday. The feelings we would like to manifest. The dreams...

Akhirnya nulis lagi..

Tunggu.. menghitung dulu.. buka postingan terakhir di blog.. .... ... Ternyata terakhir nulis 2 desember lalu.. Sementara sekarang belum tahu mau nulis apa lagi. Yah beginilah kalo udah twitter. Karna twitter juga micro blogging kan? Kebanyakan orang emang gitu sih kalo udah ada jalan pintas semua jadi serba gampang.. hehe.. Tapi belakangan ini lagi cuti twitter.. Akhirnya bisa juga 2 hari gak buka timeline. Tunggu.. Rasanya ada yang kurang.. Jadi ketinggalan kecepatan informasi..