The days are full of storybook romance, the myriad of thoughtful acts, a million ways I’m into you, I’m never getting over you, I’m sorry for exposing you, I know you hate it when I do but I had to write one for my better half. The days are new, the nights unwind. You break my world, you change my mind. Run out of love, come down from life. Run out of pain, my life has changed. It’s obvious it’s all been said in cheesy poems and chick flicks. The mushy shit that people say, it makes us chuckle everyday. So how can I express to you the recent dramas we’ve been through? I wouldn’t have been fine without your help. You touch my world, you change my life. Come down from hate, the world has changed. Today’s mantra is gratitude, you changed my life I’m sure you knew I’ll never forget the words that you said.
Mengambil Kesempatan
Cerita orang-orang sukses selalu berawal dari hari yang penuh kesusahan dan panjangnya perjuangan. Kalau saya sekarang tidak bekerja sekeras yang saya bisa, di masa depan depan pasti saya akan menyesal karena tak bisa mengambil kesempatan itu kembali yang mungkin bisa saya ambil namun tidak saya pilih. Kalau saya tidak merelakan 'sedikit' waktu tidur saya untuk banyak bermimpi, membangunnya dan mulai berkarya, di masa depan saya pasti harus menanggung semuanya karena perjuangan saya tidak seberapa. 27-04-2017
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